Protecting Your Skin: Understanding Skin Cancer, Prevention, and Early Detection

Protecting Your Skin: Understanding Skin Cancer, Prevention, and Early Detection

Posted by Jentri Quinn on Aug 22nd 2023

Hey Beautiful,

Unfortunately, skin cancer runs in my family.

My Aunt has had several pieces of her skin cut out because of it and me and my sister have had our own scares.

Fortunately, my aunt was able to catch it in time before it spread too much and became life threatening.

If you find yourself up against a questionable or scary situation like this, I want you to have the same knowledge -- that's why I'm taking time to write this for you today.

Unfortunately, cancer is still on the rise and Melanoma (skin) cancer is sneaky but there are some things you can look out for to detect skin cancer early.

Your skin is your body's largest organ, serving as a protective barrier against external elements and environmental factors.

However, it is also susceptible to various conditions, including skin cancer. Among the different types of skin cancer, melanoma is one of the most dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

In this blog post, we will delve into the dangers of melanoma skin cancer, explore strategies to prevent its occurrence, and highlight key signs for early detection to ensure timely treatment.

The Dangers of Melanoma Skin Cancer

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that develops when the pigment-producing cells known as melanocytes mutate and become cancerous. It is considered dangerous because it can metastasize (spread) to other parts of the body if not detected and treated early. While it accounts for a small percentage of skin cancer cases, melanoma is responsible for a majority of skin cancer-related deaths.

One of the reasons melanoma is so perilous is its potential to spread quickly and invade nearby tissues and organs. When left untreated, it can lead to severe health complications and even death.

This highlights the importance of understanding how to prevent melanoma and recognizing its early signs.

Prevention Strategies

  1. Sun Protection: Prolonged and unprotected exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun is a major risk factor for melanoma. To reduce your risk, limit sun exposure during peak hours (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.), wear protective clothing, and use broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Learn more here on how to protect your skin and for answers to common questions.
  2. Avoid Tanning Beds: Artificial UV radiation from tanning beds can also increase your risk of melanoma. It's best to avoid tanning beds altogether and opt for safer alternatives like self-tanning products if you desire a tan appearance.
  3. Regular Skin Examinations: Perform self-skin examinations regularly to monitor any changes in moles, freckles, or other skin marks. Familiarize yourself with your skin's normal appearance so you can easily detect any irregularities.
  4. Healthy Lifestyle: A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, along with regular exercise and proper hydration, can contribute to overall skin health and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Early Detection

  1. ABCDE Rule: The ABCDE rule is a helpful mnemonic to remember the key signs of melanoma:
    • A: Asymmetry – One half of the mole does not match the other.
    • B: Border irregularity – The edges are uneven or jagged.
    • C: Color – The color is not uniform and may include shades of brown, black, or even red and white.
    • D: Diameter – The mole is larger than a pencil eraser (6 mm).
    • E: Evolution – The mole changes in size, shape, or color over time.
  2. New or Changing Moles: Any new mole or an existing mole that changes in appearance, size, or texture should be examined by a dermatologist.
  3. Regular Skin Checks: Schedule annual skin check-ups with a dermatologist, especially if you have a history of sunburns, family history of melanoma, or numerous moles.

Melanoma skin cancer is a formidable adversary, but armed with knowledge, vigilance, and proper sun protection, you can significantly reduce your risk of its occurrence.

By adopting sun-safe habits, conducting regular self-examinations, and staying attuned to your skin's changes, you empower yourself to detect melanoma in its early stages, when it is most treatable.

If you've undergone any conditions or diseases that have taken a toll on your skin, we recommend our Whipped Olive Oil Face Butter to help you restore and rehydrate your devitalized skin back to the healthy radiant skin you deserve!

If your skin is dry and dehydrated, which is also normal after 40, you may also consider layering it with our Glow Oil, specifically formulated for your mature skin to help further lock in moisture for softer, smoother skin. And yes, a beautiful glow!

Remember, the more you know the more you glow!

With love,
