3 Powerful Mindset Shifts to Help With Overwhelm

Posted by JQ on Apr 17th 2020

Hey Friend,

What if I told you being overwhelmed was up to you?

Teacher, Marie Forleo says overwhelm is a choice and I'm beginning to agree.

But how do we overcome it and not succumb to it?

Here are some ways that have helped me (I still work on it every day, btw!).

#1 - Movement. When we move, we shake that energy up and out. We don't let it sit inside us and turn into something bigger than what it is. These days, I'm limited as to where I can go. But on the upside, I sure do know all my neighbors.

#2 - Check Your Perspective. That's what I do when I start to let my mind ride away with me to some safari dessert. While I love wild animals, I fear in this state of mind I may be eaten by one, so I make myself pause to remember all the folks who have life SO MUCH worse than we do. After all, I'm getting Amazon deliveries. Seriously.

#3 - Morning rituals / mediation.  Before my feet hit the floor and my hands massage my pug, Anoo's head (sometime I have to be quick!) I take time to be still and think and breath into what I want to manifest. And if I have time, I get up, light my sage or holy wood, pick up the house and start a new day! After all, each day brings new opportunities.

What are some things that have helped you overcome overwhelm?

Remember, the more you know the more you GLOW! 

With love,


Photo by Retha Ferguson