How To Use Your Toner The Right Way

How To Use Your Toner The Right Way

Posted by JQ on Mar 30th 2022

Hey Beautiful!

As a gentle reminder, here are essential over 40 skincare steps to take in your routine with guidance on how to use your toner the right way.

But first, what does a toner even do and do you really need to use one?

And what’s the difference between a toner and mist?

A toner is meant to help balance the pH of your skin, especially if you’re using a cleanser that’s not balancing.

A mist is generally designed to give you moisture with added benefits. In an example, your mist may include anti-inflammatory ingredients to help you calm your skin, like lavender or chamomile. Or it may include healing agents, like Colloidal Silver.

Some mists, like our new refreshing Hydrating Cucumber Toning Mist, do both.

In my option, toners and mists are optional, but I love a good mist, which is why I created one for you!

We formulated this special hybrid that uses Aloe (one of my favorite humectants!) as the first ingredient!

In the summer, I love to keep mine in the fridge to use as my setting spray or as a cool refresher thought the day!

So how the heck do you use a toning mist inside of your skincare routine?

Here’s the skinny. When in doubt, always apply your skincare from thinnest to thickest.

  1. Cleanse: Use lukewarm water to cleanse your skin and rinse off within 20-30 seconds. Repeat a second time if wearing sunscreen and/or makeup.
  2. Toning Mist: Spray 2-4 sprays to cover your face, pat over your face with your hands or apply the toner to cotton square and wipe it over your skin.
  3. Serum: Deliver nutrients to the skin by using a serum before your daytime lotion or nighttime treatment.
  4. Eye Cream is optional but always recommended for smoother, more youthful looking eyes!  
  5. Moisturizer / Nighttime Active Cream: Apply as needed to help to hydrate and/or restore your skin.
  6. SPF or Face Oil (not both at same time) Apply sunscreen when you’ll be outdoors. If not outdoors, consider applying an oil to help lock in moisture and care for dry flakey skin.

In my opening sentence you probable noticed that I said, 'over 40 skincare steps' and that's because our skin changes with age. We lose hyaluronic acid and collagen at a more rapid rate, which can lead to devitalized skin and premature signs of aging.

The basic essentials are always cleansing, moisturizing, and protecting your skin by using sunscreen.

However, after 40 we usually need to take a couple of extra steps if we want to prevent water loss and stimulate collagen for a more vibrant appearance! 

Is this helpful? Do you have questions?

I’m at your service!

With love,
