Myths and Facts About Using Retinol After 40

Myths and Facts About Using Retinol After 40

Posted by jq on May 2nd 2024

Hey Beautiful,

As we journey through life, our skincare needs evolve, especially as we enter our fabulous forties and beyond!

One ingredient that often garners both curiosity and caution is retinol

Widely praised for its ability to smooth wrinkles, fade dark spots, and promote collagen production, retinol is a powerhouse in the anti-aging skincare world.

However, there are many myths surrounding its usage, particularly when it comes to delicate areas like the eyes and lips so let's dive in and separate fact from fiction.

Myth: Retinol should not be used around the eyes and lips.

Fact: Retinol can be beneficial for treating signs of aging in these areas when used properly.

Contrary to popular belief, retinol can indeed be used around the eyes and lips, two areas prone to fine lines and wrinkles. 

However, these regions are more sensitive than the rest of the face, requiring a gentler approach.

Opt for moisturizing retinol-formulated eye creams and lip serums specifically designed for these delicate areas. These products are often milder, hydrating, and less likely to cause irritation.

When using Retinol around your eyes and lips, I recommend using a barrier cream, such as our face butter, to slow down the absorption and allow it to penetrate slower. 

If you do this and still experience irritation, discontinue using Retinol and opt for a hydrating, peptide-based solution instead.

Remember, you can't benefit from something you can't tolerate!

Myth: Retinol will thin the skin around the eyes and lips. 

Fact: Retinol can actually thicken the skin and improve its texture over time.

Retinol works by stimulating collagen production and accelerating cell turnover, resulting in firmer, smoother skin.

Regular use can lead to thickening of the dermis, which helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

However, it's crucial to start with a low concentration, especially around these delicate areas, and gradually increase frequency to avoid irritation.

Myth: Retinol is too harsh for sensitive skin types.

Fact: Individuals with sensitive skin can use retinol by incorporating a moisturizer as a buffer.

Sensitive skin requires extra care when introducing potent ingredients like retinol. One effective strategy is to apply a moisturizer before retinol to act as a buffer.

Look for a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer containing soothing ingredients like ceramides, hyaluronic acid, or niacinamide. Allow the moisturizer to fully absorb before applying retinol to minimize the risk of irritation.

If your eye area is very sensitive you may wish to opt for a restorative PM eye cream, instead.

Pro Tips for Using Retinol Around the Eyes and Lips:

  1. Start slowly: Begin by using a moisturizing retinol formulation twice a week, gradually increasing frequency as your skin adjusts.
  2. Use a pea-sized amount: A little goes a long way, especially around sensitive areas.
  3. Protect during the day: Always apply sunscreen in the morning to protect your skin from sun damage, which can exacerbate sensitivity caused by retinol.
  4. Be patient: Results may take several weeks to manifest, so consistency is key.

Retinol can be a game-changer in the quest for youthful, radiant skin, even around the eyes and lips when used the right way.

Remember, the more you know the more you glow!

With love,
