Why Some People Look Younger Than You

Why Some People Look Younger Than You

Posted by JQ on Jan 1st 2023

Hey Beautiful, Happy New Year! 

Today I'm going to let you in on a BIG secret about ringing in the new year with more youthful, glowing skin!

At the beginning of the year most folks start to reconsider their health routines and are motivated to take action! 

But what good is any routine if you're only motivated for a month and don't keep it up?

Whether it's a 3 or 10 step skincare routine, if you don't do it with consistency you won't see results. 

First, it's important to know that everyone ages differently, so you shouldn't compare yourself to anyone else.

I don't think I look younger or older than anyone else and I encourage you to consider that mindset, too. 

After reading some comments under some of my facial exercise and massage videos online it became apparent to me that people thought they could do a facial exercise or massage once and see results.

To clarify, facial exercise is like any other exercise - the more you do it (correctly) the more results you'll likely see.

I know this because I've been practicing facial exercises, massage and acupressure points on myself as well as helping my clients incorporate these practices into their routines for many years.

Consistency is key regardless of what you're practicing, whether it be facial massage, facial exercise, or your skincare routine.

But if this is true, why do some professionals say it's a waste of time?

I believe that it's because they're selling something that conflicts with this idea OR they don't know because they simply haven't tried it (especially with consistency).

Let's face it, everyone wants a quick fix these days because that's what sells. But you and I both know that the only real quick fix out there contains crazy glue and I wouldn't recommend putting it anywhere near your face. 

My point isn't to advocate for one thing or another - whatever you do is your preogative! You can do facial exercises, get Botox, surgery, buy facial creams or all of the above!

I believe the big secret to looking more youthful and having glowing skin isn't doing 'one thing' at all - it's about taking a multifaceted approach.

This looks a little different for everyone, but an example would be having a tight and steady skincare routine, incorporating facial exercise or massage for a few minutes each day and occasionally getting a professional facial or skincare treatment with your esthetician.  For someone else, it may look like remembering to remove their makeup at the end of each night and wear sunscreen during the day. 

For everyone, I do recommend having a full skincare scan each year with your dermatologist.

Also, consider that you may have a very different lifestyle (and history) than your neighbor or BFF. Medications, lifestyle, treatments, diseases, environments, elements, finances, and genetics all play a role in the health and the youthful appearance of your skin.

This is why some people your same age may look younger than you and some people may look older -- and that's ok. It's normal. 

Regardless of your genetics or finances, you can do things that will improve the look of your skin, such as facial exercises that strengthen muscles under your skin and they don't cost a thing.

There's also a lot of OTC products on the market these days that have good basic ingredients if your desired skincare brand isn't in your current budget. I talk about some of them in my Youtube videos.

After 40, the three most important things you can do for your skin are, 1) make sure you cleanse properly, 2) exfoliate a couple times a week, and 3) use Sunscreen during the day. If you can swing it, wear a good nighttime cream that includes Retinol, to help increase your cell rate turnover and don't forget your eyes! 

To specifically target your eye area for a rejuvenating appearance we offer our Restorative PM Eye Cream.

If you're interested in elevating your skincare routine after 40, here are my thoughts.

2023 glowing skin takeaways:

1) Don't compare yourself to anyone else but yourself. 

2) Avoid product hopping. Consistency is key if you want to see real results.

3) Practice a multifaceted beauty routine (as I mentioned in the examples above)

4) Set yourself up for success by scheduling in a routine that fits with your lifestyle (not anyone else's)

5) See your dermatologist once a year.

If you need daily motivation, join my JQ community on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and/or Youtube for daily tips!

Bottom line, this life isn't a competition. It's not about looking better than anyone else -- it's about doing YOU.

Remember, the more you know the more you glow!

With love,


ps. follow me on social media & set your notification bell to join me live in 2023 on TT, FB and Youtube to answer all your over 40 beauty questions!